artistic director
Irina Solinas è ideatrice e direttore artistico di MAME - Mediterranean Ambassadors
Music Experience, un progetto culturale di ampio respiro internazionale nato dall'incontro tra sonorità, timbri e colori del Mediterraneo, terra di mezzo lungo le nuove Vie della Seta.
“Il passato è davanti a noi e il futuro è dietro che spinge, come il vento le vele in mare”
MAME – Mediterranean Ambassadors Music Experience is a musical reality, born from the encounter of Irina Solinas and the Silk Road Ensemble: a musical collective, formed by exceptional artists from all over the world, winner of the Grammy Award as Best World Music Album, in 2016.
MAME is a prestigious musical and sound platform, located at the center of the Mediterranean, meant as a confluence, a point of convergence, of East and West.
Guest Artists:
SANDEEP DAS – tabla maestro | India
CEREN TURKMENOGLU – violin, rebab | Turkey
HUDA ASFOUR – oud | Palestine
LI CHEONG – erhu | Macau
Worlwide Events
- “Silkroad’s GMW Ambassadors” Milano, Italy – 2017
- “Music Oceania – world crossover music” Kolkata, India – 2017
- “Leading your network” official partner, IBM Europe – 2018
- “MAME, premiere ceremony” Milano, Italy – 2018
- “The ARCO project & festival” Guangzhou, China – 2018
- “17th Western China International Fair” Beijing, China – 2018
- “Aga Khan Music Awards” Lisboa, Pourtugal – 2019
- “MAME Donne” Lake of Como, Italy – 2019
- “24th World Energy Congress “ Dubai, Emirates – 2019
- “World horticultural Expo” Beijing, China – 2019
- “International Day of Peace ONU” Rome, Italy – 2021
- “Lungo la Via della Seta FESTIVAL” Milano e Como, Italy – 2022
Meloniski da Villacidro – Concerto surreale
La storia di MAME
La storia del progetto di Irina Solinas raccontata passo dopo passo dalla giornalista ALESSIA ROVERSI